
       There it is, set right before you. It may be complicated at times or it may breeze by when you're not looking. At times you may feel like you need to hit the ground running just to keep up. But look, it's your life. So to put it simply....Live it!
 It is like going to the ocean and just looking. Instead get your feet wet or dive right in. Just like the ocean, half the time the beauty lies beneath the surface. So instead of taking a back seat or scenic view of your life, be up front and present for every moment.
Some of life's best lessons are learned when we forget to test the water.

Now I'm not suggesting that any one just go jumping blindly into dangerous waters, but i also don't think that fear of the unknown should keep us from experience  or an opportunity to grow. And who knows, once you do dare to go for it , you may find a whole new bucket of challenges, but that's okay too. That what makes this human experience so interesting. You will learn how to make it through whatever obstacles are placed in your way as long as you are determined to grow. Of course, that's if there are challenges to be found. You may dive in to the unknown and discover that you love to swim. What if.....?           
What happens if you turn that corner you have been avoiding and find exactly what you've been dreaming about. If you have been trying so hard to get one step ahead and discover that all you really needed to do was take a different route. I am a firm believer that "if you always do what you've always done.... you'll always get what you've always gotten". So switch it up. You may even not be looking for anything particular, but who wants to get stagnant. I never want my life to just be mundane. I never want to stop learning or be controlled by my own fears of change.
So my challenge for the season is JUMP.... Just go for it!!! Maybe that means making a move, maybe it has to do with going to school, maybe taking up a new hobby, perhaps you have some out of reach goals..... so just reach....go ahead and try. Even if you don't reach your end goals in the first jump, at least you are that much closer. Just don't lose sight of growth in and of it's self, and don't be afraid of the unknown. You never know just where you might find that which makes you truly happy...but you'll never know if you don't look. It is your life so ...... Live it........ to the fullest....Every day you are alive. You'll be happy you did !!!