Rejuvenate ; 1. To restore to youthful vigor or appearance; to make young again
2. Make(someone or something)look or feel younger, fresher, more
Ahhhh... Shhhh... can you feel that? Take the world off of your shoulders and put it up somewhere where no one is gonna trip over it and fall into a mess.
Kick off your shoes, and i mean literally. Kick them off letting them soar through the air and land down without a concern of moving them aside.... Wiggle your toes, setting them free from carrying any more weight. Stretch out your arms as if it were the first good morning stretch of the day and...... Breath. In and out preferably, it seems to work best that way. Close your eyes for a moment and just be... That's right, just be... in this space, in this time. No Stress, No worries, No anything... for just a moment, just be here with you and the silence that comes in these few moments when the world stops for only a second and.... wait for it....wait for it.....Rejuvenation.
What helps you to feel youthful or even more lively? What keeps that fire burning day to day and keeps you going? I have a ember buried deep within my heart. It burns even when no one else is looking. However, if ignored, this ember would go out and i would eventually have nothing but a small pile of ash. I believe that it is natural of course for our bodies to age but your soul is not required to age in the same way. As time passes our bodies become tired. I mean we spend a decent span mistreating ourselves and we are only physically capable of withstanding so much. But what about what burns in our middles.
Deeper then the surface of what is seen. I truly think that one can be youthful for an eternity. Call it my own personal fountain of youth, but I think it is as simple as reminding ourselves every once in a while that we don't need to give in to getting old. The world is hard at times. Life can definitely put us through the ringer but the truth is that no matter how difficult things get, it is all up to us on how we come out of the journey. Looking back on tough times or maybe you are going through some less then ideal moments now.... do you let those times defeat you. Do you become cynical and pessimistic against the junk that has surrounded your thoughts? If yes....Why?
Eventually the clouds clear up and you get through it. So why not go down laughing so that when it is all over the only pain is that of a sore side from all the laughter. Either way that life's challenges are handled, it's all about the end result. You may have tremendous struggles or it may just be occasional stress from work, traffic, health, children, or what to make for dinner. DON"T let it blow out your flame. Keep your insides youthful and vibrant by taking the time to rejuvenate your soul.
Relax when given the opportunity. Love with all you have. Laugh out loud. Don't stress the small stuff. Listen and learn whenever the chance is given to do so. If something you are doing is making you miserable, find something else to do. Life is too short to be unhappy. If you take the time to find that thing that makes you feel.........well, i don't know. If you find that thing or moment that makes you "Feel", take it in and never let go. Take the time EVERY day to respect yourself and to remember your own needs. Don't let your ember turn to ash.....
Ahhhh.....Shhhhh....Can you feel that? Take the world off of your shoulders and put it up........