K... so starting this off I should tell a little about me. I am a lucky mother of five, I say that as if it is who I am, and I guess in a sense it is. However, I am so much more. Being a mom is what I do, and not to brag but I'm pretty good at it, but that's only barely scratching the surface of who I am. I desided to start this blog because I find myself asking more and more lately "do you know me"?
I have experienced so many different aspects of life. I have been in so many situations that over time have made me who I am. I have also had the plessure of meeting so many different types of people that have all left thier own footprints on my heart. I feel, now that i'm getting older, that I so badly want to share these treasures of life with someone. I want people to know me wether it be for something miraculous or perhaps for something simple. I don't want my life to go unnoticed.So i'm going to dedicate time to this blog. For anyone interrested in my life. I may write about my past. I might write about my day. I could fill pages with stories of my amazing children. Who knows, I might even share a fabulous recipe that i've created for the day, or I could pout about my struggles. I guess what i'm saying is that at this moment in time, I'm dedicating myself to writing about my thoughts, feelings, and experiences. I am going to share ME with whoever wants to know.
For anyone who wants to hear thoughts on a specific topic...let me know. I'm open to talk about almost anything and I am very honest...I found that in doing this the hardest part wasen't picking pictures or a name, instead it was the area about me. So to rise above my challenges I will write it again. But i would challenge anyone reading to dare to do the same in your own life. Without worrying about sounding "Cocky" ... write down every positive aspect of you. What makes you who you are and ...who are you.
I am Wysteria. I am beautiful, strong, loyal, honest, caring, passionate, artistic, knowledgable, a wife, mother, sister, friend. I belive in friendships and kindness. I belive you should sing out loud and dance without worry of who's looking. I belive you should love with everything you have and leave hate behind. Do what you feel in your heart and never stop learning. I also belive that if you love someone you should tell them every day. Hug your children, your parents and your friends. And do what makes you smile!!!
This is me.....and there is so much more to come!!!!