The water is that absolutely perfect temperature. Almost to hot to get in, but once you're there it is perfect. The bubbles are so high that you can practically breath them in as your back slides down the edge of the tub. Wait listen...can you hear that? Nothing but the sound of the candles crackling around you. Reaching over with your one dry hand, you turn on the music so softly and ahhhhhhhh, isn't that nice. You have a full body,soft towel hanging on a warmer and your favorite night wear hanging close by. Just another fantastic, and beautiful moment in being a woman...Right?
Wait, isn't this how everybody ends their busy day, I mean every woman at least? Ok, ok, snap back to reality. Did you have time to shower this morning?
Honestly, when did you really take the time to not miss a spot shaving? Music... I know it's all about the hottest new teen pop and Disney star in my life. Not exactly relaxing, at least not to me. Oh,and the sound of crackling candles has been replaced with numerous other noises for a long time now. The once beautiful bubble bath moment has been replaced with "Mr. bubbles", and my spot is now outside the tub while trying to keep busy toddlers from drinking the not so clean water.
The reason I'm writing about this today isn't to make mom's cry and pull out their hair. Quite the opposite in fact. I think as woman we think that we can do it all, and truthfully I know plenty of amazing ladies who seem to have perfected doing just that. However, I think that alot of us forget to take care of ourselves in the process. I know that in my own situation I try so hard to make sure that everyone else's needs are met, that I end up feeling like my needs got forgotten somewhere in the mess of things. The truth is that I never ended up sharing my needs. I am usually so busy with others that the only one who knows what I need is me. So the only one responsible for not taking care of me is...well... me.
I had to realize that it is okay for me to have needs to. It doesn't make me "high maintenance" to need some "me time". I can take an afternoon to draw if that is what relaxes me. I might need some gym time to go swim laps, instead of swimming with floaties, toys, and yes my children. I sometimes need a bubble bath, or even a shower that isn't timed because i have to get somewhere else. I have things that are only my own, like my drawings or my time to write. However it has taken alot of years for me to realize that I'm not hurting anybody else by taking a "time out" for me. Instead, it is these times of short serenity that keep my sanity and strength going as a woman. It is these things that make it possible for me to be everything for everyone else. Because it is impossible to carry on if you lose sight of you.
Sometimes in the silence of your own thoughts you'll suddenly hear yourself scream out. Listen, it might be the only time you hear your own voice for a while. Take the time to get to know you. It's easier for you to be happy if you know and like who you are.... I really believe that woman have a strength that most of us only scratch the surface of in our lifetime. So live to your full potential but don't forget where that strength comes from. Pamper that part of you that keeps you going. If you find your tank is running low, don't wait for someone else to fill it up. You know what you need, so do it. If by chance what you need requires someone elses attention...speak up. Tell your desires out loud and you'll be surprised how quickly those who love you come to your rescue. Above all...Love yourself... Why not... you'll find out that you are totally worth it!!!