" Life is not about waiting out the storm... It's about learning to dance in the rain."
Here it comes, can you smell it? The air is filling with moisture and the humidity is enveloping your body. A slight breeze comes over you and your heart beats a little faster with the anticipation of whats about to come. Any moment the first drops will hit your face. A refreshing shower in the summer heat. Replenishing all the life around you for a moment. Wait for it... Wait for it... and SPLASH! You close your eyes and take it in. New life with every drop. For this moment there is not a worry in the world. Now here in comes the choice. Do you dance?......or do you run indoors out of the rain and wait for the weather to improve.
In life I think all to often we run from the difficult times or hide out in order to wait for a situation to change. But truthfully, some of life's greatest and most fulfilling lessons come from challenges that we would have never taken on by choice. Once the difficult times have past and we are able to reflect on what we have made it through, a lesson is learned and satisfaction is gained from making it past yet another challenge.
So I say... Dance in the rain !Go outside bare footed, turn your face to the sky, put your arms out to the side, open your mouth, and spin.....!Dance with your children, dance with those you love, dance by yourself and sing out loud, but never run from the rain. The down pour will refresh you if you allow it to. Some of the best moments can happen when you are soaked to the bone with no where to go. Sometimes it takes getting soaked in the rain, to help a person strip down to nothing and dry themselves back off. Besides, if you look around there are usually more then one person willing to hand you a towel. There are even those special few who will kiss the back of your neck, even when your drenched.
So dance like nobody is looking. Hold your head up and you can make it through anything. Sometimes in a lonely silence of the rain you will be refreshed and find the strength to get up and keep dancing.....Just keep dancing!